Thursday, January 19, 2017

Creating Oil Magic with Therapeutic Blends

Creating oil magic:  How to blend for a more targeted therapeutic approach

Like you, our family has learned how to use essential oils to provide support to our every day health.  This month, however, I want to open your eyes to another more targeted and customized approach where you can learn to blend your oils for very specific support when your need is more acute.
The best way to teach you my method is to first tell you my story...

In June of last year I was diagnosed with a rare condition in my spine where the spinal fluid had become trapped in 8 of my 9 sacral nerve roots.  These nerves, which supply my hips, groin, legs, and feet, were swollen with spinal fluid, compressing the nerves and eroding the surrounding sacral bone.  
We consulted with one of the only neurosurgeons in the world who specialized in this problem. Surgery was scheduled at a small private hospital in Dallas and my 4-month wait began.  
Now that I understood the reasons for my condition, I used the 4 months before my surgery to learn to soothe my discomfort with essential oils.  I did a cursory search in my reference volume Modern Essentials and began using oils to support my nerves and soothe my inflammatory response.  
After my surgery nurses told me that whatever I had done to stay comfortable before surgery had paid off! I seemed to be healing very nicely and was weaning off my prescription medications weeks, even months before most of their patients usually did.  It slowly dawned on me that my pre-operative use of essential oils had actually contributed to a better post operative experience!

Realizing this, I delved even more deeply into my bookCould the oils actually support me while I healed?  I reviewed the section on nerves.  Since a piece of my sacrum the size of a silver dollar was now missing and replaced with a resorbable surgical plate, I decided it was important to visit the skeletal section as well.  
Cross-referencing between sections, I decided to concoct two simple blends… one to encourage nerve repair and one to strengthen bone and manage my inflammatory response.  Each blend contained “crossover” and “system-specific” oils that I had on hand.  

My bone blend is made up of Wintergreen (which is specific to bone discomfort) and frankincense and juniper berry, (“crossover” oils that the book mentioned for their benefits to bone and nerve health, as well as inflammation). 
My nerve blend is made up of peppermint (soothes and strengthens nerves), frankincense (nerve and inflammation) and lemongrass (for nerve support and bone discomfort.) 
To prepare my blends, I mixed equal parts of the essential oils (60 drops of each) with fractionated coconut oil in two 15 ml glass bottles.  I keep both blends by my bed and apply them several times a day.  With my crossover oils I know that both my nerve and skeletal systems are getting the benefit no matter which blend I use.

I began using my blends before my incision was fully healed.  Following the surgeon's instructions, I avoided applying them near my incision and focused instead on my hips, legs, and bottoms of my feet.   I spent extra time on the reflexology points on my feet which corresponded with my sacrum. (I also learned about these points from reading my book.)

I also decided to take the Lifelong Vitality pack and the Deep Blue Polyphenol complex every day for nutritional, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory support.  For about two weeks after my operation I drank two drops of Zendocrine oil in my morning herbal tea to help my organs recover from the extra strain surgery had placed upon them.

Within one week of returning home I noticed that when I used my oil blends the natural healing process seemed go more smoothly.  My range of motion improved and my pain levels reduced a little bit more every day.  Feeling seemed to slowly return to areas that were left numb by the surgery.  
Now, as I update my progress three months after surgery, I still continue to improve with regular use of my oils and supplements.

It feels really good to be a proactive participant in my own healing instead of just laying around "waiting to get better". And I want this for you too!  
When you or someone you love is in this situation, I suggest that you do the following:  
  • See a doctor (of course) to obtain a proper diagnosis.  Get second (and third) opinions until you are sure that you know what you are dealing with.
  • Learn all that you can about your condition.  What causes it?  Which systems or organs are involved?  
  • Work with your doctor.  What does he think he can do to help you?  What sort of natural support does he feel your body will benefit from as you heal?
  • Spend some time in Modern Essentials.  Read up on the oils and supplements that will cleanse, soothe, or strengthen each system or organ involved.  Cross reference as needed. 
  • Devise a plan to help your body, in a targeted way, to overcome the challenges it faces.  Work with your doctor to make sure that your use of oils and supplements do not conflict with his protocols for you.
  • Sit back and watch the magic.  You may just be amazed at how well your body can heal with a little help from good old Mother Nature!  
Happy Oiling! 

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here

Frankincense is the King of Oils

Frankincense:  The King of Oils 

One of the three gifts of the Magi, Frankincense has been called "The King of Oils" for its precious and powerful properties. It is sourced from the skilled tribal growers of Somalia and distilled from the sap of the boswellia serrata tree. It possesses anti-inflammatoryantimicrobialanti-tumor, and anti-aging properties and enhances the action of every other oil. 

It is especially nourishing of skin, nail, and nerve tissue. These are some of the ways I have used this most precious oil in my everyday life:
  • Place under tongue or apply to affected area with a carrier oil to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Take internally every day to protect cells and help them to function and reproduce properly.
  • Layer with lavender to soothe minor skin irritations.
  • Combine with a carrier oil and layer with Deep Blue rub to relieve aches and pains.
  • Layer with melaleuca oil to condition and control fungal growth on skin and nails.
  • Layer with melaleuca to control skin blemishes.
  • Apply topically with a carrier oil to protect skin from the aging process.
  • Apply to spine to tone and encourage healthy function and repair of nerve tissue.
  • Combine in a capsule to make a "flu bomb" recipe.
  • Mix it with Peppermint, Lemongrass, and Fractionated Coconut Oil for a soothing "nerve blend"  to calm nerve pain from back surgery. 
Frankincense is a staple of my oil rack and a must-have oil.  I use it all the time!

Happy Oiling! 

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here

Give the Gift of Soothing Homemade Lip Balms... 

14 drops of Essential Oils of Choice (see below)

In small pot or container, melt coconut oil, beeswax, and Shea butter over low, gentle heat. Add essential oils (two flavors to choose from below) and stir with toothpick. Use a glass pipette to transfer mixture to lip balm containers.  Cool to room temperature.  

Gingerbread Cookie:
6 drops ginger oil
4 drops clove oil
2 drops cinnamon oil
2 drops vanilla extract


Lavender Mint:
7 drops peppermint OR spearmint oil**
7 drops lavender oil

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here

Staying Grounded for Healthy Living

Image Credit:; Creative Commons, Commercial Use Allowed

Staying Grounded: The Foundation for Healthy Living 

Do you have a hornets' nest in your head?  Do you live with a cacophony of thoughts clamoring for your attention?  Do you feel like you are living life in a blender?  If this is you, then you are not grounded.  And that means that you are likely not as healthy as you could be.

Here are a few of the {amazing benefits} you can enjoy from being more grounded:  
  • Free radicals are reduced in your body.
  • Inflammation decreases. 
  • Disease processes slow or reverse. 
  • Heart health improves. 
  • Sleep improves. 
  • Wounds and damaged tissues repair faster. 
  • You will lose weight more easily.
  • Personal relationships will improve.
So what is grounding and why is it important?  "Our bodies cannot heal if we are not 'in them'."  Says Chiropractic physician Dr. Jennifer Sweet of Next Level Chiropractic in Prescott AZ.  "When stress levels become too high and we lose the ability to be present and live in the moment, our health and happiness begin to suffer."   Dr. Sweet has found that many of her patients are 'not in their bodies' when they begin a session with her. And until she can correct that problem, none of the other therapies she offers will work for them. 

Dr. Sweet has found that applying {Vetiver oil} to an ungrounded patient's feet before she begins a session helps that person to slow down... to stop thinking about the hornets' nest in their head and focus on health and healing.

And it makes sense.  {Vetiver oil} is distilled from the roots of the chrysopogon zizanioides species, a fragrant grass that grows in tropical regions.  It is widely prized for its ability to relieve anxious feelings, improve sleep, and focus attention deficits in adults and children.  It's sweet, woody, smoky aroma invites the soul to slow down, put down roots, and draw strength and nourishment from the earth and from the moment.

Try this {simple 10 minute meditation} with Vetiver oil.  Apply a drop to your hands. Prop your hands up on a pillow. Inhale slowly and deeply while you {listen to this meditation}. (The meditation you want is #11 "Grounding Meditation".) 

What else can you do to improve your grounded-ness?  
  • Spend time in your bare feet each day making contact with grass, soil, sand, or unsealed concrete. 
  • Receive an AromaTouch™ once a week. It is easy to train someone to perform this vital technique for you. 

Vetiver is a member of the grass family.  Unlike other grasses, however, the root system of Vetiver grows down, which explains why it possesses such grounding properties.  doTERRA International works with native growers in Haiti through their {Co-Impact Sourcing} program to produce  the finest, most purely therapeutic grade Vetiver oil in the world.   

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here

Happy Oiling! 

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Sunny Citruses (Lemon Oil)

Images from Flickr Creative Commons: Commercial Use Permitted

The Sunny Citruses (Lemon Oil)

Finishing out the summer with our focus on citrus oils, I thought I would focus on all things lemon in this edition. I use lemon all the time... both IN me and AROUND me!  :)

Cold pressed from the nutrient dense rind of the fruit, lemon oil has earned its reputation as "the cleansing oil".  It basically de-gunks everything in your body and in your surroundings. It is also one of the least expensive oils you can purchase.  I go through one bottle a month. Here are a few of my favorite uses for this bright and beautiful oil: 
  • Drink a few drops in your water to:
    • balance blood pressure
    • encourage fat burning and weight loss
    • cleanse adipose tissue of petrochemicals stored there
    • reduce mucous production
    • relieve minor discomfort associated with too much stomach acid production 
    • cleanse your liver and gall bladder and
    • improve digestion
  • Household uses include: 
    • Run a few drops in your garbage disposer to deodorize 
    • Tap onto a barely damp cloth and deodorize a stainless steel garbage can 
    • De grease a gunky stove top
  • Diffuse to:
    • improve mental focus 
    • lift mood 
    • overcome addiction
In my book, any day we can accomplish any of these things while reducing the toxic load to our bodies is a good day, indeed.  So let's clean up our act by exploring the virtues of lemon essential oil! 

Happy Oiling! 

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here

Check out These Recipes to Try!

Exfoliating Face Scrub
1 Tbsp baking soda
3 drops fractionated coconut oil

Mix in palm of hands and scrub. Rinse thoroughly. Do this once a week in the winger months for soft, fresh skin.  Discontinue in summer months, as lemon oil will increase skin sensitivity to sunlight.  

Funky Garbage Disposal Remedy
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar

Add all ingredients to the disposal.  Allow to sit until foaming slows down.  Run the disposal and rinse thoroughly. 

DIY Scouring Cleanser
2 cups borax
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup citric acid
1/2 cup kosher salt

Combine all ingredients into a large bowl and stir until all is incorporated.Store in a large shaker bottle. To use, dampen surface and sprinkle powder over area you want to clean. Let sit for 15-30 minutes. For an extra cleansing boost, spray distilled vinegar on powder before wiping clean.  (I can usually find citric acid and borax at any health food store.  I get mine at Sprouts.)  

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here

Friday, January 6, 2017

The Sunny Citruses (Grapefruit Oil)

Image Credit:  Flickr Creative Commons; commercial use allowed

The Sunny Citruses (Grapefruit Oil)

Oil enthusiast Dr. David Stewart, PhD once described essential oils as "evidence of God's love manifest in molecules"  With no class of oils is this more true than with the wonderfully summery citruses! Cold pressed from the rind of the fruit, citrus oils are the least expensive oils to purchase.  They are extremely versatile and pair especially well with tree and mint oils. All citruses are very high in compounds called limonenes, which are known to possess anti-tumorial properties.  

Citruses also:
  • cleanse lymphatic tissue 
  • relieve water retention
  • cleanse kidneys
  • aid in weight loss
  • remove toxins stored in adipose tissue
  • clarify and tone the skin
  • energize and uplift mood and
  • clarify thought processes (especially when paired with Frankincense oil)

Grapefruit Oil

Grapefruit is a perfect example of an oil that contains most or all of these properties.  It blends well with basil, bergamot, cedarwood, cypress, frankincense,  juniper, lavender, and peppermint oils. It posseses anti-depressant, diuretic, stimulant and cleansing properties that can be very strengthening to your urinary, lymphatic and vascular systems. You can blend it with any of these companion oils in a base of fractionated coconut oil and massage along your lymphatic pathways, beginning on each side of your neck and working toward the inside of your elbows.  Massage legs beginning near the groin and sweep toward the back of the knees. 

Grapefruit oil is a also a great complement to any weight reduction plan. The Department of Nursing of the Wonkwang, Korea Health Science College published an interesting study which concluded that adding grapefruit oil to a massage did, in fact, contribute to weight loss in menopausal women.   And here is something you can try.  Place 7 drops of certified pure therapeutic grade grapefruit oil in a glass bottle with 7-8 cups of water and shake. Drink this before your meals and throughout the day. 

Most citruses (lemon, lime, wild orange, bergamot, and, yes, grapefruit) are available to us year round. They are blended into many of the therapeutic blends distributed through doTERRA International.  These include Citrus Bliss, Motivate, On Guard, Slim and Sassy, AromaTouch Blend, and Elevation just to name a few. 

Happy Oiling! 
~ Juli

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here

Recipes You Can Try...

Spearmint Tangerine Beverage                 
1 drop doTERRA Tangerine oil                          
1 drop doTERRA Spearmint oil                         
1 glass of cool, filtered water 

Coconut Lime Fizz
1 can coconut water
1 bottle carbonated water
1-2 drops liquid Stevia

Citrus Coconut Popsicles
1 can full fat coconut milk
1 cup orange juice
1/3 cup agave juice

  • Lubricate each popsicle mold with doTERRA fractionated coconut oil. 
  • Mix all ingredients together, reserving 1/2 of the can of coconut milk.  
  • Fill 2/3 of each popsicle mold, dividing evenly and freeze for 10 minutes.
  • Top off each mold with remaining coconut milk and freeze for 30 minutes longer. 
  • Insert popsicle sticks and freeze until firm.  

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here



Thursday, January 5, 2017

Forest Bathing

What is "Forest Bathing?"

There's nothing like a good summer rain.  And for those of us who live in the desert, thank goodness we have monsoon season to look forward to!  Regardless of where you live, however, darkening skies and cooler temperatures can mean that a fragrant walk in aromatic forests is in YOUR future!  

"Forest Bathing", as it is known in Japan, provides many health benefits.  But what is it, exactly, about the essences of a pine forest that make you feel so good?

Chemically speaking, it has a lot to do with Alpha and Beta pinenes, two therapeutic compounds in the Terpene family. These compounds are plentiful in the essential oils of all coniferous and most citrus species, which is why coniferous and citrus oils often pair well together.

The health benefits of Alpha and Beta pinenes are well known. 

Alpha pinenes (plentiful in lime, lemon and wild orange as well as Clary Sage, frankincense, juniper, lavender, marjoram, pine, rosemary and sandalwood essential oils.) 
  • Promote respiratory health (bronchodilator, expectorant)
  • Aid memory and are... 
    • Anti inflammatory
    • Anti carcinogenic and...
    • Anti infectious (bacterial, fungal, and viral)
Beta pinenes (Found in all "piney" smelling coniferous species):
  • Are a natural serotonin reuptake inhibitor
  • Enhance norepinephrine and dopamine usage in the body 
  • Lift mood
  • Calm anxious feelings 
  • Relax muscles
I discovered "Forest Bathing in a Bottle" when I was first introduced to therapeutic grade essential oils.  My most favorite oil blend, then and now, is Balance, also known as the grounding blend, by doTERRA International Formulated with spruce, frankincense, Ho wood, Blue Tansy flower, and Blue Chamomile flower, this piney blend grounds and soothes me every time.

How about you?  What sorts of health benefits have you enjoyed as a result of a simple walk in the woods?

Let's get out there and enjoy!

--- Juli 

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here

A Soothing Aromatic Recipe Just For You!

Combine these oils... rich in Beta pinenes, and prepare to be amazed at how much it utterly unwinds you.  Use to relax muscles before or after exercise or at night right before bed for a deeply rejuvenating sleep. 

* Use 2 drops of each oil when diffusing.  Apply 1 drop of each topically to neck and chest.  Inhale from cupped hands. 

Questions about essential oils?  Let me help!   

Contact me here